YOU CAN HELP We Are A Work In Progress! Restoring a 109 year old theatre that was closed and ignored for a decade is an inch by inch, dollar by dollar journey.Below are some of the highlights of what we’ve been able to do so far through the generous help of volunteers and donors! Lobby Before Lobby Work in Progress Exterior Front Before Exterior Work in Progress THANK YOU OUR AMAZING DONORS! Philanthropist $10,000+ Mudturtle Media, LLC Benefactor $5,000 – $9,999 U.S. BankRotary Club of FillmoreDanny Trejo Patrons $1,000 – $4,999 Beylik FarmsAmerican SignatureRenee SwensonTravis McCulleyThe House Arrest BandDanny Ibarra Supporters $500 – $999 Bunnin ChevroletDavid Anderson – High Gate ImportsErnie VillegasKnights of Columbus Friends $100 – $499 Otto & Sons NurseryLost & Found DepotSusan ZeiderTerence FoleyCheryl Dimitt Well-Wisher $1 – $99 Facebook Instagram